
All staff complete the Surrey “Working together to safeguard children” training, Educare “Safeguarding in Early Years”, Educare “Prevent Duty in an Early Years Environment”, Home Office “FGM” training as part of their induction and the Educare safeguarding course in refreshed annually. They are given a copy of “What to do if…” as part of their induction. Prevent is refreshed every 2 years and FGM every 3 years.

Louise, Valerie and Gemma as DSL’s refresh their Surrey DSL training every two years.

To report a concern about a child, please contact:

Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPA) – Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm  0300 470 9100 (Out of hours  01483 517898)

NSPCC 0800 800 5000 or email
NSPCC Whistleblowing advice line 0800 028 0285

Surrey’s safeguarding vision

From September 2024, we’ll be part of the Operation Encompass scheme, supporting children and families suffering domestic violence.